by divineawakening | Dec 6, 2015 | Parallels, Race Reports
This one is short and sweet…literally! Ran the Chocoholic Frolic 5K. No PR…but won my age group! After finishing, I was racing off to church, so I got my reward (cookie!) but didn’t have time to stick around for the official awards...
by divineawakening | Nov 29, 2015 | Race Reports
Route 66 Marathon. 66 run/walk intervals. 66 books of the Bible… If I had to describe this race in 2 words, they would be “hilly” and “chilly.” It was 23° at the start. How apropos that there were snowflakes attached to the street signs!...
by divineawakening | Nov 17, 2015 | Race Reports
Mom and I had an incredible time in Vegas leading up to the race. We were covered in prayer, and I want to say a big thanks to everyone who prayed for us. Throughout the trip, we were truly blessed. We had a blast at the expo, and Mom rode the mechanical shoe! We had...
by divineawakening | Nov 1, 2015 | Race Reports, Training
This week’s training: Monday – rest Tuesday – 3 miles run/walk (4/1) Wednesday – 8 miles easy with strides Thursday – 8 miles with 3 mile repeats @ 10K pace Friday – rest Saturday – 13.1 Butterfly Race with 1 mile each for...
by divineawakening | Oct 18, 2015 | Race Reports
I ran this week true to the schedule: Monday – 7 miles (5 @ marathon pace) Tuesday – rest Wednesday – 9 miles with 4 mile repeats @ 10K pace Thursday – 8 miles easy Friday – Mile time trial (+ 1 mile each to warmup and cool down) Saturday...
by divineawakening | Sep 21, 2015 | Race Reports, Training
This week I used races to celebrate my birthday and get my training in. I swapped Tuesday’s usual rest day with Thursday’s easy run to give me 2 days rest going into the weekend: Monday – Mile time trial (+ 1 mile each for warmup and cool down)...