Effort, Not Outcome

While I believe in their importance and usually enjoy them, tempo runs (at or slightly faster than goal marathon pace) have recently been a source of frustration.  It’s been difficult to accept that between the heat and my loss of fitness, I simply...

The Things That Keep Us Going

Patience. Endurance. Long suffering. These words are often used together in scripture, sometimes interchangeably. If you’re a distance runner, you understand why. You also understand the importance of breaking things down. Running the mile you’re in....

That’s How We Roll

I believe in foam rolling. Experience has taught me that it makes a difference, and as a result, I have begun a small collection. Each of these torture devices has its own purpose. The standard roller. Travel size. The spiky one (rumble roller) for when you...

God of the Impossible

Just hours after my last post, I got my answer about my next marathon!  Three weeks ago, I had been praying about whether to sign up for the Erie Mararthon in September. It’s a waterfront course that’s supposedly flat as a pancake, and the race is...

Powered By Love

I remember the first time I heard the song “One Thing Remains.” I was training for my first marathon and was struck by these lyrics:I loved the idea of applying the words of 1 Corinthians 13 to distance running, powered by God’s endless and...

Training Plan for 2014

Last year, I spent considerable time researching training plans and ended up creating a customized one by synthesizing principles that I found across several others.  Regardless of whether you follow Galloway, Higdon, or the Hanson brothers (think marathon, not...