by divineawakening | Jun 18, 2016 | Race Reports
As races go, the Must Dash 5K wasn’t much to write home about. But this one was less about time and more about sharing the experience with a special kid in my life. He did the 1-mile fun run–his first race! To commemorate the experience, I gave him my 5K...
by divineawakening | Apr 17, 2016 | Race Reports
This was my 7th marathon, and I turned in my 2nd best time on the LEAST amount of training for any I’ve done! Apparently, the Fitzgerald plan and all those “power under control” long runs at a snail’s pace actually worked! The Oz theme was fun,...
by divineawakening | Feb 1, 2016 | Parallels, Training
by divineawakening | Jan 28, 2016 | Seen On My Run
I usually like to include pictures for the “seen on my run” posts, but this time you’ll probably be glad I didn’t. On my last long run, I saw something rather than disturbing: four animal feet….and no animal. I couldn’t tell...
by divineawakening | Jan 8, 2016 | Parallels, Scripture
During my speed workout, I did six 15-second intervals, bursts of running as fast as I could. Yet, when I looked at my watch, my increased effort didn’t initially register on my Garmin. It looked like by heart wasn’t beating any faster…even though I...