God-focused Training

Here’s an article I wrote for Tri4Him on how to maintain focus on God while training:http://tri4him.com/blog/2014/08/07/god-focused-training-tips-tricks/Honored that they published it.  Enjoy!

Effort, Not Outcome

While I believe in their importance and usually enjoy them, tempo runs (at or slightly faster than goal marathon pace) have recently been a source of frustration.  It’s been difficult to accept that between the heat and my loss of fitness, I simply...

The Things That Keep Us Going

Patience. Endurance. Long suffering. These words are often used together in scripture, sometimes interchangeably. If you’re a distance runner, you understand why. You also understand the importance of breaking things down. Running the mile you’re in....

Rainbows and Unicorns

One of the best things about running with God is those moments when He shows up in a way that is so unmistakably…Him.On one of my runs this week, I got to run through a set of sprinklers. If you have ever run in the heat of the summer in Texas, you know that...

Boston 2016

I want to run Boston.  And I want to run it in 2016. Don’t get me wrong.  I would love to run in 2015, and Erie would be a great course to qualify on.  But my training data shows that I’m nowhere near where I was a year ago. ...